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Welcome to join:
Welcome to the home of HOTOHO! Your join will positively pose a promoting effect on HOTOHO’s future development.
It is no doubt that the competition in the future will be concentrated on human resources and has been fully verified in HOTOHO.
We insist on providing various training opportunities and a fair competition platform to create a good working atmosphere
These make you easily adapt to the enterprise culture.
Reputation is HOTOHO’s first life, which is promoted by strong executive ability. We hope you and we together build a strong-execution company culture, provide customers professional services, win customers’ trust and reputation, create a big brand and finally make HOTOHO a world-wide logistics company.
Please remember our goal: to create value for the customer, the employee, the stockholder and even the society.
The whole staff of HOTOHO welcomes you sincerely.
Marketing Director marketing department
- 参与公司销售计划的制定,及销售计划的落实,执行和监督;
- 负责销售团队的组建,培训和调配;
- 负责销售团队的业绩考核;
- 负责设计新的销售产品,同时提供销售方法支持;
- 负责销售渠道的开拓和管理 ;
- 销售情况的定时汇总,汇报和合理建议的提出;
- 负责开发新客户及维护现有客户资源。
- 大专以上学历;
- 为人诚实、积极上进、爱岗敬业;
- 有一定的客户群和货源;
- 具有良好的团队协调和管理能力
- 有较强的市场开拓能力知承受压力的能力;
- 有5年以上物流行业销售管理相关工作经验;
- 熟悉第三方物流的市场行情和操作流;
- 工作地点:工作地点:上海普陀区真北路988号(金沙江路交界处)创邑金沙谷九号楼.请附个人近照。
Operations Manager Operations and management department
- 至少5年以上物流公司工作经验(必要条件);
- 熟悉物流营运体系规划、建设和实施,有丰富的物流运营管理经验;
- 具备较强的成本控制能力和多个分支机构管理经验,能有效地对资源进行整合,沟通协调能力强;
- 熟悉国内公路、海运运输业务;
- 熟悉计算机操作,能承受较大工作压力,可以适应经常出差。
Project Manager (East China)
Operations and management department任职要求- 大专以上学历,45岁以下;
- 5年以上同等职位工作,熟悉第三方物流运作管理(国内运输、仓储、包装),尤其对运作质量和成本控制管理能力较强;
- 具备良好的沟通、协调、组织能力;
- 热爱物流行业,服务意识较好;
- 计算机操作熟练,书写能力较好;
- 根据公司的需要,接受全国不同区域/城市的需求调派(华东地区)。